Sunday, September 28, 2008

Emotions = cups

EMOTIONS of the Chakra ( Sacral)

Emotions = water= cups in Tarot. IN the Tarot, cups represent emotions and thus relationships, life and the nature of life. Many people close to nature usually are intuitive and psychic. Although cups are often a significator of seeking a love in life, it can stand for emotional extremes such as elation, over –indulgence of food, drink or drugs. IT can mean Mania and depression or emotional bliss. The + side is that people of the water ( sacraL) chakra are so creative and are often poets and musicians. They’ re often gifted healers and excel in medicine. They are usually, as stated, empathic and psychic or at least intuitive. They are the creative beings that must be balanced to keep from falling into a hole of saddens or self pity. They need to get away or distance themselves from people from time to time to heal and re-group their strength.
Their Arch Angel is Gabriele .
The astrology sign that are water signs are Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer. Cancer is the ultimate water ( Sacral) sign) . Their mantra is that of this affirmation of the Sacral chakra; “ I believe”. Scorpio is “ I create” and Pisces, ever the optimist, “ I believe.” Each sign needs to be aware, and cannot say it enough, that they need to meditate and spend time away from people.

Friday, September 5, 2008

G.H.O.S.T.T. Hunt Feb of 2008

Yeah, I know we are talking about some months here, but we did go G.H.O.S.T.T. hunting at G- Street park, thanks to the tip we got from HIDDEN OHIO MAP AND GUIDE from Craig Cartography you can get from Borders Book stores. I got mine from one of Sherri Brak- Recco's tours with the wonderful Haunted Heartland of Ohio. ( comment on this article if you want her web link) .

G.H.O.S.T.T. stands for Garner Haunting Observational Scientific Tactical Team. It was started by my brother and I way back in the early '80's . Since he moved to California we rarely get to hook up, but on that cold February night, my son, his girlfriend and I went to G-Street park to investigate the paranormal.

According to the map, this is a vortex area created when a rail road spike was pulled out of the earth. There is a rail road near that area. All Lorainites are never far from trains as Ohio was once the Rail way capital of the east.

Having lived near that area for a good many years, imagine our surprise when I read that . We needed to check that out. The best time was a cold Saturday night.

The first thing any good ghost hunter does is check out the map, read the history, check out the equipment and eat pizza. Then we took our hike .

You can see by the pictures we found nothing. Our EVP showed nothing. Val is a shamanic medium. She thought she was picking up energy, but ruled out any psychic activity and felt it was more residue from the energy of people and children and their play.
John , a sifu, played tai chi in order to see if we could attract any weaken entity to us to see if we could get an interaction. Either it was too cold for any paranormal interaction or the vortex was closed, but we had no evidence . To be fair, we could only stay out for 45 minutes as it was bitter. In fact, that is the main thing I remember. So, we went back home and ate cupcakes.
We have not gone back this summer as we were on other hunts, job changes and the safety factor of going into that neighborhood at late night.
We would welcome anyone in that area who has any experiences in that park.